Automatic Standard Arms of Modern Warfare X - Madsen machine guns and Infantry Cannons - Tactical Application
Halvor Jessen
Dansk Industri Syndikat Compagnie Madsen - 1938 - 77 sider
Om Nimbus: s. 8 - 10. (Om bevæbningen og motoriseringen af Cyklistkompagniets 4. deling (Motorcykeldelingen), (Foto af Nimbus med 20 mm Madsen kanon og Nimbus med sidevogn som ammunitionsreserve)

20 mm Madsen maskinkanon, cyklistkompagni, Dansk Industri Syndikat, Forsvaret, hæren, motorcykeldeling, sidevogn,

Halvor Jessen,

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Nimbuslitteratur © 2024 Niels Øwre

A. Brigade Cyclist company  The Company consists of 4 Platoons, of which three are Cyclist Platoons of 4 Sections each with 1 light Madsen machine-gun on its light mounting. One Cyclist Section may be organized as shown in Fig. 1. If desired, however, the Section may consist of 1 Section Leader and 8 men, in which case the number of ammunition wallets on each bicycle can be restricted to one (over the rear-wheel). The Cyclist Company's 4th Platoon is a Motor-Cyclist Platoon of 4 Sections, each with I Madsen 20 mm cannon on its light field mounting. The cannon and its light field mounting are carried in a motor-cycle sidecar (see Fig. 2). The ammunition for the cannon is also carried in a motor-cycle sidecar (see Fig. 3). One Motor-Cyclist Section consists of a Section Leader and 8 men; the Leader and four men are mounted on solo-machines, the other four as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. s. 8